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Mortgage Horror Stories: The U.S. Housing Industry Will Never ...
Jul 1, 2010 . Back about five or six years ago, when the housing bubble was still rising, just about anyone could get a mortgage. Lending institutions were .

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mortgage horror stories

Mortgage Servicing Horror Stories - Fair Game - NYTimes.com
Jan 7, 2012 . There is still no nationwide settlement over practices at mortgage servicing companies. But a couple of state attorneys general have been .

Ann Brenoff: Share Your Mortgage Lender Horror Story
Jan 17, 2012 . Temporary relief for a temporary situation; isn't that precisely what the loan modification is suppose to address?

The Nation's Mortgage Horror Stories
Sep 12, 2011 . A certain number of errors is understandable given the volume of foreclosures and repossessions handled by lenders, but many were simply .

Loan Modification Hell - The Horror Stories Continue - CBS News
Jun 21, 2010 . I have a "mortgage horror story" for you. It involves the greediest, most ruthless bank on earth - Chase - and my elderly, disabled parents.

Mortgage Horror Stories:Chase Manhattan Bank Sucks
Mortgage Horror Stories?????????Chase Manhattan Bank Sucks???

Servicer Horror Stories: Resurrecting Zombie Mortgages | FDL News ...
Jan 26, 2012 . The reason I continue to believe the issue of foreclosure fraud and servicer abuse remains and shouldn't be settled away is that it has such an.

Now You Can Send Your Mortgage Horror Story Directly To The ...
Dec 12, 2011 . Even as lawmakers squabble over who will lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the months-old watchdog is trucking right along.

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