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MERS® ServicerID
MERS® System. You can locate servicer information for a mortgage loan using the following search criteria: 18-digit Mortgage Identification Number (MIN) .

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mortgage identification number look up
MERS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 MERS System; 2 Mortgage Identification Number (MIN); 3 ServicerID; 4 The . can search for their mortgage servicer, regardless of whether the mortgage has .
Realty Times - Who Owns My Mortgage?
Apr 27, 2009 . If the mortgage is listed as MOM or has a MIN (Mortgage Identification Number) assigned to it, you can search the MERS database by mortgage .
MIN - Mortgage Identification Number
Acronym Finder: MIN stands for Mortgage Identification Number. This definition appears very . Add Acronym Finder search to IE7 Free tools · Acronym Finder .
Mortgage Modification - James Karl Associates Law Office - Marco ...
If the mortgage is listed as MOM or has a MIN (Mortgage Identification Number) assigned to it, you can search the MERS database by mortgage identification .
Consumer Access
For best results, enter the full NMLS ID or State License Number to search for a . that the mortgage company or mortgage professional with whom they wish to .
Who Owns My Mortgage? | Loan Modification Blog | Keep My House ...
Mar 2, 2009 . Call the phone number on your most recent mortgage statement or your . automated touch-tone system) or search online at MERS Servicer ID.
Mortgage Loan Originator Identification Number Listing
Locate the Identification Number of Key's Mortgage Loan Originators. . Please enter a search term. Make this my KeyBank entry page; Personal · Private .
How to Find Out Who Owns Your Mortgage | eHow.com
Use the MERS Service Identification System to search for servicer information ( see Resources). You can search by the Mortgage Identification Number, if known .
How to Find a Lender ID Number on a Mortgage | eHow.com
How to Find a Lender ID Number on a Mortgage thumbnail Use a lender code to look up a lender's name. A lender code, also known as a lender ID number, is a .