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Divorce And Mortgage Questions
Since our divorce, I found out that my name is still on the mortgage. Even though .

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mortgage in my name divorce
Mortgage Options While Going Through a Divorce | LoanSafe
Jul 20, 2010 . Homeowners who are going through a divorce have a lot of things that need . Does a quitclaim deed remove my responsibility for the mortgage? . get both spouses name off the mortgage and to remove liability from the debt .
Back to Title/Vesting/Quitclaims - The Mortgage House - Home Loans
My concern is that if I do sign the quitclaim, will my name be taken off the mortgage also? View Answer. Q: I am close to a settlement in a really horrible divorce .
Protecting Your Credit During a Divorce - Joint Accounts, Divorce ...
Jun 17, 2010 . If you had joint debts which existed before your divorce, and these accounts are not both . How Do I Protect My Credit When I Get Divorced? . It is vital to not walk away from a divorce with the mortgage in both of your names.
Divorced spouse wanting off mortgage caught in Catch-22 - Chicago ...
Apr 29, 2010 . In our divorce decree, it states that I give my ex-husband the house. . He was to have my name removed from the mortgage and get a new .
Remove Name From Joint Mortgage
Over several years my bank has repeatedly refused to refinance my home to remove my ex-wife's name from a joint mortgage as decreed in the divorce.
Removing my name from a mortgage b/c of divorce- h... - myFICO® Forums
What impact would removing my name from a mortage have on myFico score? My husband and I are divorcing and I am afraid that it will be .
Do I have to refinance the home after divorce to get his name off ...
My husband and I bought our house while we were married. The loan is in his name. We are now getting a divorce, I was awarded the house in .
What Happens If I Quick Deed My House But My Name Is Still on the ...
A major element of divorce proceedings is division of marital assets, distributing property obtained during the marriage, according to "The Complete Divorce .