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National Mortgage News
Visit the mortgage industry's most extensive online buyer's guide. . The foreclosure crisis is loosening the traditionally strong tie homeowners have with their .

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mortgage industry and foreclosures
Mortgage News for the Mortgage Industry | National Mortgage Loan ...
Online national mortgage industry news publication. Includes . Maintenance of foreclosed properties allegedly was disparate between white and minority .
Mortgage Industry To Face Massive Changes Under Regulators ...
Mar 7, 2011 . Federal regulators and the top law enforcement officers in all fifty states are eyeing big changes to the dysfunctional home loan industry. If these .
Mortgage Industry and Foreclosure Crisis - C-SPAN Video Library
Jan 27, 2012 . Mark Stevens talked about Obama administration initiatives to address the foreclosure crisis. He responded to telephone calls and electronic .
Business & Industry Mortgage Lending Division
Nevada Department of Business & Industry. . the mortgage lending, escrow, loan modification and foreclosure consultant industries through fair regulation and .
Michigan to share in mortgage industry settlement of foreclosure ...
Feb 7, 2012 . The state of Michigan is expected to reap a half billion dollars from a settlement between 40 states and five of the nation's largest mortgage .
The Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter - tracking the housing ...
Visit ML-EXPLODE, our new sister site focusing on the future of mortgage & housing. . Disaster' - [2012-04-11] - Yesterday, we published "The Great American Foreclosure Story," our latest Kindle Single. . 1. [UK] The Mortgage Business plc .
DSNews - Default Servicing In Print and Online
. people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry. Tue Apr . Federal Reserve Issues Policy Statement on Foreclosures as Rentals .
Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting Uncovers Widespread Mortgage Industry
Feb 16, 2012 . Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting Uncovers Widespread Mortgage Industry Irregularity in San Francisco Foreclosures First comprehensive audit of .