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I want to put my child's name on the deed to my house with mine. Do ...
I want to put my child's name on the deed to my house with mine. . and if the house has a mortgage against it a transfer may trigger a due on transfer clause.

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mortgage in my childs name
Money Girl : The Mortgage Interest Deduction: Who Gets to Keep it ...
May 2, 2007 . I own a home, the mortgage loan is in the name of my son. . with the social security i received for my youngest child. that child is now 19, i no .
How Can I Transfer My House to My Child? | eHow.com
How Can I Transfer My House to My Child?. Transferring the deed of . Selling the House to Children and Forgiving the Note of Mortgage. The final way a house .
How to Transfer Mortgage Property to a Child | eHow.com
If you wish to put a piece of property in your child's name, the process is rather . Can I Transfer My Home to My Children While I Still Have a Mortgage?
Parents can cash bonds in kids names
Nov 6, 2009. consent to cash in savings bonds registered in the child's name. . My grandmother gave my brother and me three U.S. savings bonds each .
Parents legally can cash child's Series EE savings bond
Mar 23, 2009 . Parents legally can cash child's bond. By Don Taylor . I have four Series EE savings bonds held in my 16-year-old daughter's name. How do I .
Advice about my father's house: Transferring the house to my name ...
Jan 23, 2009 . My father was recently diagnosed with cancer. . Advice about my father's house: Transferring the house to my name (mortgage, mortgage) . said " i leave my house to my child beth..... well it was missing one word... the word .
Remove Name From Joint Mortgage
For example, if I own a property, I can use a deed to change the name of the title to my spouse, child, or best friend. My doing so does not change any mortgage I .
Buying A Home For Your Kids: A Good Idea? - Forbes.com
Nov 21, 2003 . From the outset, buying a home for your child seems to be an altruistic act. . It depends on what my financial advisor thinks. . the house and the mortgage are in the child's name, while the parent acts as the mortgage lender.